Dispute Resolution Policy 


A dispute resolution policy outlines the steps and procedures for resolving disputes  within LANEX LANGUAGE EXCHANGE. It promotes fairness, efficiency, and clear  communication. 

  1. Purpose and Scope  
  2. This policy outlines the process for resolving disputes that may arise within  LANEX LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 
  3. The policy applies to all employees, contractors, clients, and stakeholders  of the company.  
  4. Dispute Resolution Process  
  5. Step 1: Informal Resolution - Parties involved in a dispute should attempt  informal resolution through open communication and active listening. - If  resolution is not achieved, the parties proceed to  
  6. Step 2. Internal Mediation - Either party can initiate internal mediation by  notifying [Appropriate Department/Person]. - A neutral third party will  facilitate the mediation process to help the parties reach a mutually  agreeable solution. - Mediation is voluntary, confidential, and designed to  promote understanding and compromise. - If mediation is unsuccessful,  the parties proceed to 
  7. Step 3. Arbitration - If resolution is not reached through mediation, either  party may request arbitration. - The arbitration process will be conducted  by an impartial arbitrator agreed upon by both parties. – The decision of  the arbitrator will be final and binding.  
  8. Timelines - Each step of the dispute resolution process should be completed within  a reasonable timeframe, as determined by the nature and complexity of the dispute.  
  9. Confidentiality - All discussions, documents, and information related to the dispute  resolution process will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed to any third  parties except as required by law.  
  10. Appeals - If a party wishes to appeal an arbitration decision, they may do so by  following the appeals process outlined in the arbitration agreement.  
  11. External Remedies - Parties may seek external remedies, such as legal action, if  internal dispute resolution processes fail to resolve the dispute.  

7. Review and Update - This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its  effectiveness and compliance with legal requirements. Any necessary updates will be  made accordingly.